Our apprentice Christoph Schäfer won under 300 graduates of orthopedic shoe- technology 2013 the first place of the “Competition in performance of the German handcraft”.
On Saturday, the 7th December 2013 took place the distinction of the best handcraft apprentice of Germany in Dortmund. Also present was the federal president Joachim Gauck. Consequently, orthopedic shoe-technology SCHÄFER was already educated the second union winner – after Sven Schürrle in 2009.
In addition, Christoph Schäfer was decorated with the “Walter- Heintel- promote price” of the guild for orthopedic shoe-technology Baden- Württemberg for his especially good enclosed journeyman´s examination with an average of 1.3.
Press review (german):
- stuttgarter-zeitung-101213.pdf (1.5MB)
- stuttgarterzeitung_und_stuttgarternachrichten_131213.pdf (3.2MB)